Sick Fits

A clothing marketplace built using React, Node and GraphQL

Full stack Application with React and GraphQL

Sick fits has a very modern tech stack. Both the frontend and backend are built in JavaScript and it utilities some of the top open source projects forming around the GraphQL ecosystem. Here is the breakdown of what was used to build it:


  • React
  • Next.js
  • Apollo Client
  • Jest & Enzyme for testing


  • Node js
  • Express
  • GraphQL Yoga
  • Prisma

This application is what I built with Wes Bos' Advanced React and GraphQL course, which much like is other courses is awesome and I'd highly recommend it!

The application is deployed on Heroku, here is a link.

Application Features

The application lets any user browse the store for items that have been uploaded by other (authenticated) users. Authenticated users can then buy items from the store through the Stripe checkout. Finally after ordering, authenticated users can view their full order history.